Analog multiplier with rectifiers and attenuverters

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AxB is an analog four quadrant multiplier designed to work with both CV and audio signals, with the AD633 analog multiplier chip as its core. A multiplier can be thought of as a VCA which inverts the signal when the control signal is negative.

The module consists of two inputs, both of which have same features. Each input has a toggle switch with which the signal can either be kept as-is or full wave rectified. Output from this toggle goes into an attenuverter knob with a centre detent. The attenuverter allows the signal to be as-is when turned clockwise, or inverted when turned counter-clockwise. Finally, a bipolar LED shows the status of the input after the processing.

Both inputs then go into the multiplier chip to produce the final output. The multiplication ratio is designed so that when both inputs are 2.5V, and both attenuverter knobs are turned all the way clockwise, the multiplication output is also 2.5V. This ratio can be adjusted using the attenuverter knobs.

Using the rectifier toggle and the attenuverter, a total of four different types of signals can be produced by both inputs: as-is, inverted, rectified, and inverted rectified. This allows the module to be used as a complex CV processor, or a ring modulator with unique wave shaping capabilities.

Finally, the status of the output is shown on a third bipolar LED.

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  • Fully analog four quadrant multiplication

  • Optional full wave rectifying for both inputs

  • Attenuverters for both inputs

  • Status LEDs for inputs and output

  • Wrong polarity protection

  • Size: 3HP

  • Depth: 36mm

  • Power: +12V: 30mA, -12V: 28mA